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Attempt the following questions to check your understanding of the subject:
- Briefly explain the following terms as they are used in food toxicology (6 Marks)
- Mycotoxins
- Dose
- Hormesis
- Discuss how systemic toxicity occurs giving examples (6 Marks)
- Using a diagram explain dose-response relationship as it applies to food toxicology (6 Marks)
- Discuss methods that can be used to reduce mycotoxin contamination along the food chain (6 Marks)
- Discuss the phases of toxicological effects (6 Marks)
- Discuss the consequences of pesticide residues on human health (10 Marks)
- Discuss the strategies you would put in place to reduce the presence of specific toxic environmental contaminants in foods in Kenya (10 Marks)
- Discuss the importance of HACCP as a control measure for the reduction of or elimination of toxins from a specific food of your choice (10 Marks)
- Discuss how good manufacturing practices can be used to reduce contamination of food with toxins (10 Marks)
- Discuss the formation and toxic effects of each one of the following (10 Marks)
- Heterocyclic amines
- Fumonisins
- Discuss risk assessment in the context of toxicological safety of foods (10 Marks)